The software we currently provide to support marketing news posting is: 1. Real estate news posting software that integrates with 200 websites (most people here are using it) 2. Facebook software: specializes in posting to groups and fanpages , copy articles from groups to page,... (a, c used in combination with pm bds above to cover multiple channels) 3. V-Shorts software: specializes in making short videos on platforms: tiktok, reel facebook, youtube,... (video channel is extremely attracting viewers, also a very practical channel to reach customers with intuitive videos) 4. VRP software: post classified ads in many fields, not just Particularly for real estate, 90 websites are integrated. These are very practical products for marketing. Anyone who wants to try it can inbox me and I will support you with a free trial!!

Date Created: October 6, 2023
Last Updated: 6, 2023